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Old 2012-07-20, 13:22   Link #22583
formerly ogon bat
Join Date: May 2011
Location: Mexico
Age: 53
Originally Posted by kyp275 View Post
The problem is that Pandora's box has been opened a long time ago. Gun Control is never going to work unless you can invent a magical device that can track down every single gun in the country, and then you'd have to invent the same thing for knifes, then fertilizers, then bows, then sharp pointy objects, then blunt objects.
:facepalm: No one in his right mind has mentioned such a far fetched idea as to track each and every firearm. But you CAN track down mass production devices AND skilled gusmiths (really, how many of any of the two there are? a few dozen of thousands at best). You can even limit your tracking to the ammuniion producers, any firearm without them is just an expensive piece of metal.

Does gun make it easier to kill people? yes. Will banning them fix the problem? not in your wildest dreams.
I disagree, making firearms illegal (or making drugs legal) in the USA WILL solve the violence problem in my country, no ands, ifs or buts (and also help yours).
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