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Old 2012-10-13, 14:10   Link #1316
Shadow of Effilisi
Join Date: Oct 2011
The way I see it, Obama is clueless on fiscal policy. His only idea is to tax the rich more, which is fine but not enough. He has no serious plan to slim down the government. On the other hand, Romney's plan is just tax cut and smaller government, but has no details whatsoever.

If fiscal policy is your main concern, then you are pretty much left with two choices of poison to take. Obama has no new ideas to offer, and with Republicans not in compromising mood, another 4 years of getting nowhere is likely. Romney has no real plan, and going by his past record of bending to the slightest pressure, he may well just play along with whatever crazy idea the extremists in Republican base comes up with.

So while they aren't the same, they may be equally bad choices in some people's eyes.
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