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Old 2009-06-19, 09:56   Link #86
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Join Date: May 2009
Originally Posted by Master Chibi View Post
Wow. So the lead guitarist's SISTER plays better then her, the freshman that just joined the club plays better then her, but she's still the lead guitarist.

And what band plays anything, encore or not, with their backs to the audience?
In music, you can play something with absolute precision, exactly as written, but still suck. Or you can play sloppy, not keep perfect time, play different notes, and it'd be the greatest thing the audience has heard.

An extreme (and unfair) comparison would be: compare a typical MIDI song to say Jimi Hendrix playing the national anthem.
(personally, i think Hendrix's rendition started out good, but went a bit too far on its drug dazed path.)

Its all about the emotion. Yui isn't technically competent, probably not really musically competent, but she is the emotion of that K-ON performance. They've grown accustomed to her antics, her quirky musical nuances, and they notice it when it is missing.

Why didn't they drop the obviously inferior Yui for Ui, or make the highly skilled Azusa lead guitar?

Ritsu: Everyone likes you ,Yui.

Why did they play the encore with their backs to the audience, facing each other?

That's a no brainer. As much as I wanted it to be, K-ON has never been about the performance, its been about 5 girls having fun and playing together.
Sorry guys, Mugi gets them all to herself.

With that being said...

This show leaves me questioning the executive ability of Kyoto Animation, the core concept, the hook, theme, whatever you want to call it is there (5 girls having fun). The characters were there, the antics were there. The execution of spinning this light hearted tale was flawless in places, but in other places it was just bad.

K-on could have been much better.
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