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Old 2006-09-15, 00:22   Link #17
Weapon of Mass Discussion
Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: New York, USA
How many years has it been since the release of ff VII? Quite a few, eh?

Milking a product's success means to quickly release a whole bunch of related products that capitalize on a success while it is still hot. (It is done immediately since popularity is usually fleeting.) As a result most of the secondary products are sub-standard, but their quality has nothing to do with the accusation of "milking." Once the original product's popularity wans, then the secondary products are simply forgotten.

In this case, FF7 was released many years ago. Despite those years, it is still hot and fans have been calling for more ever since. To release related products now is not called "milking a cash cow," it is called "bowing to fan pressure." If they were "milking" it as some of you say, then these products would have been released long ago, before FFVII withstood the test of time.

There's not that fine a line between willing suspension of disbelief and something just being stupid.
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