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Old 2004-11-20, 02:07   Link #49
Mr. Shabaz
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Well, here come the law suits. You just know fans at the game who were and weren't directly involved will try sue for some NBA money. Those involved should be dealt with in other ways, but I can't say I entirely blame the fans bringing their kids to the game and such. To be put in that type of danger at a sports event is inexusable. I know in baseball you can't buy alcohol after the 6th(maybe it's the 7th) inning. So if something like that isn't already in place in the NBA, it will be.

As for Ron Artest, he may not have done the right thing, but I think any one else in his situation would have done the same. He was heated enough as it was from the fouls. As for his teammates, they were just trying to protect him and I can't really blame them either.
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