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Old 2012-11-13, 16:29   Link #3191
formerly ogon bat
Join Date: May 2011
Location: Mexico
Age: 53
Originally Posted by Solace View Post
Sadly I think the only lesson both parties will take from this election is that changing image is more important than changing policy.
The republicans (both the politicians and the people that have voted republican all their lives) are in total denial so they cannot learn jack squat, they will simply say "mhh, we are some millions voters short of regaining the white house, next time lets nominate a latino for president and let him have a black female lesbian as his VP partner". Which would not make me happy since they would no doubt have to be stooges no better than bush & cheney to win the primaries.

The democrats have learned that using computers can help them win elections and that they do not need a successful president to get him reelected as long as they have to against the republicans.
here is a quickie translation of part of an article that compares presidential elections in the USA and Mexico, I thought it was eye opening.

1. These past elections in the USA had a cost eleven times higher than the ones in mexico and the difference in population is just 3 to 1.

2. 70% of campaign money is not accountable because they enter thru the campagin commites, in Mexico all of it is under official and public scrutiny (unless of course someone accepts to give publicity and does not give any kind of receipt).

3. Most of the money in the USA election went into TV spots, in Mexico those are free.

4. There are numerous scandals in the USA due to some donation money, here political parties cannot receive a penny of private money.

5. In the USA it is legal the day of the election call a citizen, send a vehicle to his house, take him to the polling place and then return him home. Here it is illegal albeit the practice remains.

6. The pew center states that there are about two million voters registered in two or more states. Here that is impossible because your electoral credential has your home address and if you change address the old credential will no longer work since it will be removed from the list they have at your polling place.

7. Voting in more than once is possible because there is no electoral license (nor any similar doument with photography is required) , no mark is placed on the thumb after voting and federal elections are run by each state (here is run by a federal entity) with diferent laws (like that one in texas that prohibits international observers to come near the polling place).

8. The pew center states that about two million people which are dead are still registered and someone else can vote in their place. Here the voter list is under constant scrutiny and the electoral credential must be renew like i.e. your drivers license.

9. Republicans have said that the USA campaign has been pro-Obama since the start. Here the candidate that lost the election said the equivalent.

10. The candidate with more citizen votes is not necessarily the winner, this has happened 17 times in USA history. Here the vote is direct, the winner is the one with more votes.

11. Here the voting is done by hand, slower but it is feasible to do a recount (and man, do we have had recounts, sometimes due to sore losers, sometimes there have been some irregularities).
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