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Old 2014-02-22, 16:05   Link #155
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Join Date: Apr 2012
Location: Tucson, Arizona
Age: 37
Thanks for the thoughtful reply SeijiSensei. I will get to them.

My computer has been broken and it still isn't really fixed, but I've kidnapped a laptop and am holding it hostage in return for more anime.
I didn't realize it had almost been a year since I'd updated this thread. Well, all I've had a chance to complete is something I found online randomly, not even a suggestion. I feel a little bad about that.
Sakurasou no Pet na Kanojo. While not explicitly about art like Honey and Clover, it definitely made me think about art in a way that Honey and Clover never did. Many shows I've watched have given me new appreciation for things that I took for granted. I think that thanks to this show, I've begun to appreciate the effort that goes into anime and video games and other forms of art a lot more. I have never created something with others like in Sakurasou, but it sure does seem amazing..
Maybe a bit like a relationship with a devastatingly attractive psychopath? Nothing else in the world quite like it, but you would have to be more than a little crazy to become involved. (in a very admirable way)
The characters are what struck me the most about this show. It made me not want the show to end so that I could just keep staying in Sakurasou with them. There is love, disappointment, despair, joy and happiness, contentment, so many emotions all portrayed in such a relatable way. No conflict that ever comes into this show would ever end the world or destroy someone's life, but neither are most of the conflicts that face each of us day to day.
I loved it.
It was also a little strange that the two "side couples" ended up kissing and sealing the deal, while Kanda didn't. Season 2????

I also want to add that I watched the first ten episodes of Space Battleship Yamato 2199 and absolutely loved it. It's just on my computer that's down right now.. the same thing goes for Kotoura-san. I think I got to around 10 and had to stop. I definitely appreciate these suggestions, and even though I haven't seen how it all ends up, I really enjoyed my time with them.

Last edited by jesh462; 2014-02-22 at 16:28.
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