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Old 2010-08-07, 22:17   Link #23639
Spinning Lotus
Join Date: Jul 2008
Originally Posted by toxicstar View Post
Sorry for all you Kallen fans out there, but I actually felt quite a bit of animosity towards Kallen from the moment she felt betrayed by Zero whom the Black Knights/Schneizer revealed was Lelouch until her monologue in the last episode. It's so wrong for her to be happy and relishing in the future that Lelouch gave up his life to create when she turned her back on him.
This seems to not take into account a lot of the events between when she actually turned against him and when she only did so for a few moments.

When the Black Knights betray him in Turn 19, she's the one defending him until he drives her away, on purpose one must note. Then he goes and turns that around by telling her to live on within earshot. She spends the next few episodes trying to convince a bunch of unreasonable people that they're being hypocritical jerks then tries to find Lelouch before they can. It's only until Turn 22, when he absolutely refuses to even acknowledge her (again, on purpose) that she decides not to follow him. It also takes Lelouch acting completely evil to finally make her turn. By your logic, no one really deserves happiness.

Originally Posted by toxicstar View Post
Maybe the reason I really despise her so much is because she posed such a strong threat to Lelouch in his rise to power. She was a first rate pilot with a top of the line Knightmare and she was capable of taking out Lelouch's people with ease, aside from Suzaku (although I still haven't figured out if Suzaku's defeat was intentional for the realization of Zero Requiem, I mean what if he accidentally really died? who the hell would carry out Lelouch's assassination?)
Her being a threat is Lelouch's own damn fault, and one he knew was an issue coming into the game. Suzaku's loss was also his own fault. He was never supposed to fight her, and with good reason: she's better than he is. If he had died, that'd be a problem, but he put himself in that situation.

Originally Posted by toxicstar View Post
Anyways just wanted to throw my two cents out there. If only Kallen was as loyal to "Zero" as Rolo was to Lelouch I would have respected her more. Perhaps she's just too headstrong for my likings. Particularly in one of the finals scenes where she was teary-eyed upon seeing Zero/Suzaku kill Lelouch. I almost wanted to laugh in her face for having been so blind until then, if I wasn't already so sad by Lelouch's death. And I thought Shirley's death was sad, boy was I wrong.
So mindless/misguided loyalty is better than the real thing? As to Lelouch's death, no one was supposed to figure it out. That was the point. Kallen figured it out because she knew Lelouch well enough to figure it out in the end, but no one can solve a puzzle when they don't have all the pieces.
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