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Old 2015-02-21, 13:37   Link #10
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Join Date: May 2013
Location: Chicago
Well, I'll be the first to say that that was a really good intermediary episode, and that Slaine has begun going down a path of darkness that even he can't find a way out of.

In his efforts to gather support and power in Vers, things have begun to spin a little out of his control. His morality has been skewed and while in his heart he does not wish to do these things, he sees no way out of it but by continuing on no matter the doubts. It's almost like the infection that is Vers politics have begun to infect him because he has had to embrace it wholeheartedly. I can't help but think a tragic end is in store for him unless he can be pulled back from the abyss, and I truly hope that someone can.

Asseylum has awakened, and is now in a wheelchair, however, she seems to have lost some of her memories, but they don't seem to be all gone. She is happy now, but I fear that she will be saddened at what Slaine has done, though unlike others, I doubt she will abandon him or even yell at him. She will try to save and help him as best as she knows how.

As for Lemrina, that is a tragic figure right there, a girl that loves Slaine, but knows that he will never love her back, who is angry at her sister but still cares for her. I don't know what she will do.

Slaine is organizing the counts under one flag, and is having them fight together, which should have been their game plan all along as Inaho and team can't fight well multiple kataphrachts that are fighting all at once. So, Slaine has gained control of Vers and sadly seems to be trying to bring Earth to heel as well. He knows this will hurt Asseylum, but at this point he's gone too far to go back now.

Well, on a good note, he does want the war to end, and it will probably end a lot faster with the counts actually working together rather than apart. Unfortunately, that won't be such a good end for the Terrans, unless Slaine has some other plan up his sleeve.

What shall this mean for Inaho and the gang as well as Mazuurek who's finally gotten back to his castle? I don't know? I wish I saw a good ending here, but I'm honestly not sure how this will end. While many say that Slaine should die or suffer for his actions, anti-heroes like L-elf and Lelouch did much worse things than he and somehow they are still well loved, and L-elf (and some say Lelouch too ) actually survived their perspective series. I'll be interested in seeing where this will end for Slaine, but for now things don't look good for the Earth.
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- Major Kyosuke Hyobu
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