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Old 2012-10-05, 16:37   Link #3521
The Dark Knight
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: From the deepest abyss in the world, where you think?
Age: 38
Originally Posted by ReaperxKingx View Post
Wow, well I understand the makers want to try something new or out of the ordinary but the ending was a little............... well lets say not up to par with expectations (I put it as gentle as I can ). Sometimes going the cliche route isn't a bad choice time to time which here is a example. The thing for people like us who put a lot of effort in playing Mass Effect, we attach ourselves to the characters. Thus when something like killing the character arrives, it feels like all the work and effort in the character is like.........all for naught (gentle as I can put it as well).
There was absolutely nothing ordinary or new out of what Casey tried to do.

I mean in the end you had three colored choices....hmmmm....Deus Ex Human revolution had an ending just like that. It didn't matter what choices you made, in the end it was irrelevant.

Then there was the part about AI's always going rouge....yeah we get a lot of that with Terminator and such....

The least they could've done was make the endings consistent with the choices the players made.
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