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Old 2013-02-27, 08:50   Link #39
Kana Hanazawa ♥
Join Date: Jun 2007
Location: France
Age: 37
That was a pretty dense chapter. So many information in it.

Nice to get confirmation Buggy is now part of the Shichibukai, and considered a living legend

Curious to find out who Fujitora is. He's obviously an admiral, the question is: is he a new character or an existing vice admiral that was promoted? No sure who among the characters we know could be given that kind of nickname.

Lots of people on other forums assume Luffy will eat the mera mera fruit. I would hate that. Firstly because Blackbeard should remain unique, and secondly because Luffy doesn't need another power. I don't want the other strawhats to eat it either. It would suit Sanji best since he is already associated with fire, but he is also a very good swimmer and it wouldn't be wise to take that away from him. A pirate crew with DF users need good swimmers.

Originally Posted by ellifeedn View Post
Also, I love how Law realizes he's being sucked into Luffy's pace. Almost as priceless as tying Chopper to his head.
His face when he realized what just happened was hilarious. Law is becoming a really fun character.
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