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Old 2008-11-10, 15:31   Link #23
Join Date: Nov 2008
Location: Germany
Age: 44
We were discussing a proposal that the US agrees to respond against any nation that launches a first strike against any other nation as a universal deterrant.
thats pointless. something like that is politically impossible.

Also, while what you say may be true in the minds of some, Israel has in the past openly defied the US and did whatever they wanted.
not really. in small regional issues, yes maybe. but even Israel's local Lebanon or Palestinian wars (not even speaking about the larger ones) were run largely with US backing. Something like Israel performing a nuclear attack on Iran is impossible without a US backing.

Iran does not have to launch it from its own country. It can give the bomb to a terrorist organization who would gladly use it on Israel.
that is possible even today, and there is no longterm way to prevent it except running a less aggressive and anti-Arab foreign policy.

That is why Israel would never want to give Iran the opportunity to have something like that ready for their use. There is no way you can say for sure, Iran wouldn't try something that crazy.
well, you know, the only ones to have actually used nuclear weapons on civilian people in history are - surprise - not islamic crazies but the US government... so that argument isnt really very valid.
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