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Old 2013-01-09, 02:22   Link #1294
Join Date: Feb 2012
Location: Tokyo, Japan
Originally Posted by Angrypokstick View Post
actually, me and the translator-kun were embarrassed to realize we translated the name of the A-10C unit in question wrong. The A-10C unit was actually named Kanonendoktor (cannon doctors in english) in the story and is an West German unit as indicated by the Iron cross on the A-10C pictured in the TSFIA article in question(now available for view on the wiki page).
And as to why an implied American Veteran is leading a German unit, theories are abound on 4chan. From being an Old veteran quitting the US Army to fight for the land his Band of brothers have died defending and to fight alongside the Europeans he have come to love, to the possibility that this man is in fact one of the German boys who grew up and eventually returned to continue the legacy of the Thunderbolt II and the American heroes he wishes to emulate. Also since the A-10C are believed to be on loan to the Germans by the US, it could mean that the squadron consists of veteran soldiers exchanges for the purpose of mentoring and training the west Germans on forming their own dedicated TSA attack squadrons. either way Age will probably never explain why and in the end it really doesn't matter.
Or it's really just an American defense unit that happened tasked there by the UN.
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