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Old 2006-10-25, 21:57   Link #248
Sailor Enlil
Join Date: Oct 2004
Location: Philippines
What's seen in the article below (which just came out two days ago) is probably one of the world's most expensive drunk-driving accidents ever. The infamous defendant of several embezzlement charges, Bo Stefan Eriksson, gained infamy for smashing up a $1 Milllion Enzo Ferrari due to drunk driving back in February along the Pacific Coast Highway in California. Just look at the state of that Ferrari! I mean, we've seen cars and other very hard and durable objects easily sliced in half on a regular basis in anime (usually by swords), but this is ridiculous. And just who would be stupid enough to go on a driving spree in a car that normally retails over $600,000 (and has a very complicated buying process in the first place, as in you order it now, then get it a year or more later) and has a top speed of 300 km/h (186 mph) while under the influence?

Ferrari Enzo trial isn't as flashy as the car
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