Thread: Licensed UN-GO (noitaminA, BONES)
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Old 2011-11-05, 07:46   Link #297
Vallen Chaos Valiant
Logician and Romantic
Join Date: Nov 2004
Location: Within my mind
Age: 43
Originally Posted by Quarkboy View Post
You are making the philosophical assumption that an AI that can act sufficiently human to pass the Turing test still does not have a soul.

The human brain can be trained to desire being used, to take pleasure from being beaten. Does that make it right to do those acts?

Of course within the show they already demonstrated that Kazamori didn't have a soul (at least a normal one), because Inga wasn't able to ask her question of him/her.
I didn't say she didn't have a soul. I say she didn't get harmed by her treatment in any way because as far as she was concerned, having sex was just duty.

As for beating her, she doesn't care. Worst thing that happens is that she needs to swap to a new body. You are assuming physical harm even MATTERS to her.
The only reason it is wrong to train a human to enjoy pain, is that the human automatically objects to it due to instinct. AI have no pre-loaded instincts, they don't have any preset values you need to brainwash. It does not apply.

Turing tests are not relevant here either. She actually will fail a turing test despite being a true AI, because her personal values and though processes are alien to most humans. Kazamori isn't trying to pretend to be human, she is just being a sentient AI who thinks like a sentient AI. And one element about her being who she is, is that she doesn't care about physical abuse. She has different priorities to humans.

For example, I am sure she considers human capacity to deceive, immoral and disgusting.
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