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Old 2013-10-13, 13:49   Link #504
阿賀野型3番艦、矢矧 Lv180
*Graphic Designer
Join Date: Mar 2006
Location: Belgium, Brussels
Age: 37
^ It shift the focus of Rin's issue in general.
The problem I always mentioned back in S1 is still the same: Rin and Riki are way too "strong" as far as the story goes, so the moment shit hits the fan, their despair won't be really as intense as before because before Rin2/Refrain, both of them were still too naive with their comfort zone, which isn't really the case with the current state of the anime.

Rin being jealous doesn't change her character in a fundamental basis, but it brings an issue: instead of being awkward with other people, she is getting uneasy with Riki being close with other girls, to which doesn't help at all the romance portion.
You don't make someone jealous out of the blue to point out a possible attraction. Instead, if they really wanted to drive the romance between Riki and Rin, they should have made Rin interacts more with Riki in such regards (like the cats and Lenon for instance).

Instead, we got "Rin is jealous" out no nowhere despite Rin is -not- the kind of character that would be trouble with her own feelings. She is a pretty straightforward girl who just can't handle strangers, that's all there is to it.
In term of character consistency, it just doesn't make much sense to have Rin being jealous at this point of the story.

And I really don't get where you got the impression that people thought it "hijacked the whole arc" from. I'm more concerned about Rin's characterization in the long run, instead of thinking Yuiko's arc has got hi jacked.
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