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Old 2009-07-25, 00:03   Link #84
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Location: Detroit, MI
Originally Posted by Ashlotte View Post
Why in the blue blazes would you want them to not devote attention to this "particular problem" when its the crux of basically everything...Thats like wishing for a war movie not to pay much mind to the war. *boggle*

Ah anyway easily 10/10...While the easy going parts of the show are fantastic fun it's nice to see them already getting to the issues they've been lining up for this series since those dreams Horo had in episode 00. Her hysterics were both painful and sobering to see, but I can say I've found even more respect for the multi-facetedness that is her character now more then ever...
It's just that the overly dramatic relationship issues that have popped up are not the reason I was attracted to the show in the first place. The sooner they resolve this the better. I can understand why they introduced this into the story, it just didn't need to be on "11" (not sure how many will get that ).
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