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Old 2012-03-26, 23:40   Link #17910
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Join Date: Sep 2011
Originally Posted by leukrota View Post
Yeah, also don't forget that Touma turned out to be the worst nightmare for both Ransuu and Loki (I still can't stop laughing at that.)

Anyway, don't worry about putting this stuff under a spoiler. The most used convention here is to put under a spoiler tag only that which hasn't been translated yet. Otherwise it would be a hassle to discuss the most recent volumes.

EDIT: ... I hadn't noticed, you seem to be using an extra ri in Kihara... just pointing it out.

2nd EDIT: I guess I should use Utgarda instead of Loki... since it's a reference to the giant, not the god... These Norse people and their weird names...

And to be clear, the main point of the volume in having Touma is that he needed to learn a lesson that everyone can't be saved?

Good grief. So now we have Einherjar, Valkyries, Artificial Valkyries, Brunhild, at least a few more Kihara, one failed Majin, a former antagonist, the Imagine Breaker, Loli-ninja, super maid, and now the Loli God is going after Aleister next...

I just want to point out that of all the people in this volume only one can be considered normal, even by this series standards, and that's the wrestler chick...who is probably in his Harem now.
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