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Old 2010-10-19, 10:20   Link #4341
oompa loompa
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Age: 33
Originally Posted by SaintessHeart View Post
I think I have cracked.

Today is my second official day at work, and Miss Royale (that FT girl that I pissed off last week) is my trainer again. Of course she accused me of being slow, so I just simply treated her like a Christmas Cake (any accusations or nagging, I simply smile and say "Hm, ok."). As it wears on and the manager joins in, I started going "back to the basics" - everything written in block letters, SAF style (royally pissed her off, she claims that nobody can read that - never dated a guy who served or never dated a guy before?), stopped smiling, and started visual survey in a small music store.

The worst thing is that, one of my jolly loud-mouthed colleagues just went "Hey!" and I almost did a quickdraw (in army terms, reach for the sidearm). I stopped short when I brushed against my pen (clipped to my jeans), but he caught my sharp movement, so I made up an excuse that I almost dropped my pen - the last thing I want to become is a laughingstock for going "Stop or I'll shoot!". And when I was closing up for the day, all the cash calculated seems to follow the mandate of an OCD accountancy team - everything has to be stapled properly, no cursive handwriting, no block letters, 7 cannot be written with a stroke through it (WTF), etc.

After I am out of the army, I am glad I am out. Now after a few months, with my family in a mess, stacked with school projects and an idiot syllabus for a goddamn piece of paper called a Diploma, and this job with "a number one christmas cake princess", I wish I was back pulling guard shifts and passing papers up a bureaucratic ladder - at least the woe can be shared and everyone covers each others' asses.

An ex-commando I once worked with was right - when the shit falls one doesn't rise up to the occasion, he falls back to the basics. And how he has been trained will be how he will move - what a stroke of genius to act like a trooper in a music store.

Should I just quit my job and go back to jumping from one temp to another?

P.S The POS system has been proven to be built by either a retard or the lowest bidder - IT HAS NO REFUND FUNCTION, and it requires one to process the transaction FIRST before keying in the mode of payment (in most systems, it is the other way round)! Which part of the management hired the whiz kid to build such a backward piece of shit?
No.. probably not.. Not yet. I don't know why people think that work needs to be enjoyable, especially with a job like this (I presume its not going to be permanent). Its far more important to get that paycheck. Stick it out I say, things might get better. There really is a period in most jobs with a time of 'Are you serious? This is such shit. Not at all what I signed up for' etc. Whether you're working in a music store or a stock broking firm. Stick it out, and be a little optimistic. Or at the very least find another job before you quit this one
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