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Old 2012-11-09, 01:02   Link #3259
Osana-Najimi Shipper
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: Mt. Ordeals
Doubt it's going to be useful in S3, since I've heard jungle is gonna be more like S1, but Hecarim is what I've been playing a lot recently. I was in a big slump (like literally losing 90% of my games), so I said, since I'm gonna lose anyway, why not learn a new jungler? And after being pathetic experimenting practically every rune choice/summoner spell/masteries/item build/jungle path with Hec (like something 4 wins to 16 losses), I think I got a hang of him now (6 wins 2 losses).

Armor yellows
MR/lvl blues
ArPen reds
MS quints


W, Q, E, Q, Q, R
Q > W > E if ahead, W > E > Q if behind

Boots 3 pots, philo, hog, phage
Sheen into Trinity if ahead, merc treads + aegis/frozen heart if not

Basically go wolf, blue, red then GANK GANK GANK. Hecarim is a snowbally jungler because his survivability is directly tied to how much damage you + your team deals. As such, getting that first blood for your team is very crucial, and with E + red + exhaust + arpen runes + 9 offense your kill conversion rate is pretty darn high if you blow everything that early.

Only time you should be farming jungle is when buffs are up or when you don't have exhaust, red, or ult up. Otherwise, gank, gank, GANK! River gank, lane gank, tower dive gank, go through enemy jungle gank... you name it, abuse your E's mobility to the max, as it can greatly diminish the effectiveness of enemy wards if used correctly.

W first because you should be asking for a hard leash anyways, and +60hp every cast is more useful than more Q damage if you have people helping you. Then at least 3 points in Q for jungle clear speed, after which you want to max it first if ahead because you can dive their carry. If you're not ahead, then survivability is more important so W first. And without trinity force you can't really dive the enemy carry so its better to peel for own carry, of which maxing E next works better.

You know you're doing REAL well when you have a triforce around the 20 mins mark, which shouldn't be a problem since you have a gap closer that's pretty much like pre-nerf rammus.

And worried about the lack of flash? It's troublesome when the enemy invades you lvl 1, granted, but after you get E + MS quints it's pretty much a futile effort to chase you. And if need be, you have your ult as an escape mechanism. Hec is like Shyvana in that regard, but instead of focusing controlling the jungle, Hec aims to have heavy lane pressure.

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