Thread: Licensed Viewtiful Joe
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Old 2004-11-08, 16:22   Link #85
Clean up princess
Join Date: Oct 2004
Couple of questions about Viewtifu Joe

This isn't really a suggestion, nor am I asking for suggestions, but I don't where else to put it, so I'll start it here.

I'm for NYU on VJ, and I don't have access to my copy of the game right now, so can someone check their copy of the game for these concerns:

1. Is the prototypical enemy called a "Biancky"? This guy ->
It should say his name in the montage that rolls when you beat the game

2. Is the evil organization's name spelled "Jadow" or Jado"?
I don't recall exactly where/when it says, but I'm pretty sure that if you play as one of the alternate characters, the captions will say at some point (probably when you begin the fight against Alastor as Captain Blue).
I think the former is correct, but I'm not sure.

Thanks guys!
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