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Old 2012-01-31, 17:07   Link #8
Join Date: Mar 2009
You believe in intellectual propriety. There's your problem.

Propriety is a natural right that represents a scarce resource, fruit of ones labor and thusly, a part of ones life. To take someones propriety is to take someones life.

Intellectual propriety is a government issued and guaranteed temporary monopoly over the creation and/or distribution of a non scarce resource (usually an idea).

In the old days, you needed scarce resources (like books and discs) to distribute non scarce resources (story, music, etc) so it wasn't as big an issue. But today you have Internet and all visual and audio information can be shared super fast at near zero cost. Intellectual propriety is, in a way, obsolete.

The "artists must make money" argument is only going to last so long...

But just like the guilds of centuries past, it'll take many decades maybe even centuries for our civilization to give up on IP.
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