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Old 2013-03-02, 08:09   Link #3155
I never hid my hurts.
Join Date: May 2012
Location: Where the wild things are--Hell.
Originally Posted by Jirachier View Post
1 - There is a difference between almost everywhere and everywhere, also him protecting his sister should be up to him not because he is her guardian so yeah it's selfish of her not to release him.

2 - I know the decision that she would be the heir isn't up to her but I cannot help but dislike her for it anyway since it should've been Tatsuya(seriously, Tatsuya is like the perfect heir to the Yotsuba with all of his abilities and personnality)

3 - Again, if she was only getting one undeserved thing that Tatsuya is more deserving of I wouldn't dislike her but it's just too many things and that includes fame so be it her fault or not it's still bothering me.

4 - You can be a bro-con all you want but if Tatsuya saved your life several times, protected you your whole life, makes sure nothing bothers you, maintain your CAD, etc etc etc then you have absolutely no right to get mad at him especially when you know he is innocent so she should either shut all of her emotions inside of her or get angry at the ones who bother Tatsuya not him, that's childish and selfish to the extreme.

From their sibling relationship Miyuki is obvious getting all the benefits from it.
@4. She's allowed to feel. She is allowed to have feelings. You might say that it's unfair for her to be able to since he can't but honestly, it's not like he's not allowed to either, he simply doesn't have the ability to.

@ 3. People do recognize Tatsuya as an incredible person. It's not like everyone treats him like trash. To the military and to the people that get to see glimspses of his skill-set(specifically everyone that knows his full abilities) he's all but an eldritch abomination/god and at the very least, they understand they don't really get to match him, they only get to be equal to his weaknesses(I.e Chiaki and Cad hardware).

@2. That's not going to change, they hate his guts. Precisely because of his skill-set. He's more powerful than most of the entire clan, if not all of it. It's simply that he's more powerful, in the wrong way(to them). If he could create but was still as strong, he'd be top of the list and have become head years ago. But well, life's a bitch. He's like someone that sleeps with their eyes open and standing up straight, to them anyway.

@1. If not with her, at best he'd be forced to work for their father, the father that hates him and sees and uses him as a tool. Alongside his step-mother that his him as well. He likes his sister, she likes him, they treat each other well, they have no problems with each other. You have to learn to make sacrifices and compromises, y'know? In poker, he'd be the professional that consistently gets the worst cards in the game but still manages to get by and stay top-dog. If his cards were as good as Miyuki's he'd be less of a likeable protagonist, at least to me anyway.

But yes, I can agree with you on at least 1 thing, in their relationship, Miyuki does get the best of it but well, that's life.
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