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Old 2004-06-11, 14:54   Link #12
Maes Hughes
~Nyan Nyan~
Join Date: Mar 2004
Location: UK
Age: 35
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The ending was very good. I wanted a Romeo and Juilet style ending, I got it. It was done well.
I liked the very end of the ending, too. Aion is very intelligent. He must've survived using that intelligence. The fight with Chrno in episode 23 could've just been a trick to get Chrno to use his power again, meaning Rosette would die and Chrno would kill himself, leaving Aion with no-one to get in his way.
Remington looked like he was no longer a part of anything in the future. Maybe the Magdalene organization no longer existed. Then, Remington would have nothing, which would explain why he looks like a tramp at the end.
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