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Old 2011-12-30, 14:24   Link #3773
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Originally Posted by Kitsoru View Post
Thaaaank you Eeni! I am terrible with math, but I knew it was something like that :U
Ya... someone should really try and find a flaw with my system, I've failed my College Algebra class twice now

Originally Posted by Deacon Blues View Post
*laughs* I made a boo boo. AC-182 is when it starts! Herp derp.
ALRIGHT! Regardless of the info, whatever is printed in the magazine is wrong. MC 0022 is AC 223 and not 211 (it's a 12 years difference), making our original pilots 43 years old, like Kitsoru said. But thank you Deacon, this makes ages much more believable for FT.

Originally Posted by Kitsoru View Post
Hmm, question. Would AC 223 be MC0022 FIRST or NEXT seasons?
Glad you asked! This was exactly what I was looking into in order to figure out dates for FT. Being the insomniac that I am, I looked up possible calendars to be used for keeping time relevant between Earth and Mars. The most predominant one that I ran into is the Darian Calender Its simple, with even numbers, and makes everything so pretty and easy to use.

A Martian year is 668 days. Using the Darian Calender, the year is divided into 24 months consisting of 28 days each, every 6th month has 27 days, and every decade we get a leap year, adding an extra day onto the last month of the year (just don't know if thats every Earth or Martian decade). Anyways, reading up about how seasons actually occur on Mars left me utterly confused. So for the sake of keeping things simple I just decided to divide the 8 seasons from FT into the 24 month period, getting 3 months per season.

Meaning that MC 0022 would look something like:
1st spring............ Jan.- March AC 223
1st summer.......... April- June AC 223
1st autumn.......... July- Sept. AC 223
1st winter........... Oct.- Dec. AC 223
next spring.......... Jan.- March AC 224
next summer........ April- June AC 224
next autumn........ July- Sept. AC 224
next winter.......... Oct.- Dec.AC 224

SOOOOOOOO, MC 0022 Next Winter would be sometime between Oct.- Dec. of AC 224. At least this is what makes sense to me.

Now for lunch!
There was never a great talent without a bit of insanity.

I don't think I've ever seen so much nonsense in so little space. -FalsePrime

Stone Age man attempted to draw movement on cave walls by drawing mammoths with multiple legs. The artists worked until their eyes went bad, they got no pay, no credit, and they were eventually eaten by wild animals. Animation was born! - Tom Sito

And as the Black Beast lurched forward, escape for Arthur and his knights seemed hopeless, when suddenly, the animator suffered a fatal heart attack! The cartoon peril was no more. The quest for the Holy Grail could continue. - Monty Python and the Holy Grail

Last edited by Eeni; 2011-12-30 at 14:37.
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