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Old 2008-08-16, 01:41   Link #3
Join Date: Oct 2006
I love you.

Hm... weird behaviour. When I shift focus to or from the MPlayer window, the screen flashes black for a split moment. Same if I invert the colours (Cmd+Opt+Ctrl+8) while the player is the active window. If I do either of these things while the video is paused, it stays black (or white inverted :P) until I unpause.

UPDATE: This is only if MPlayer OSX is the video out being used. I suppose it probably has to do with whatever is being done to make the window not resize down to controller size after a "restart" caused by changing preferences. Also, this probably isn't a priority (since who would really do this? :P), but if I change video out modes in the middle of playing a file in MPlayer OSX mode (CoreVideo in this case), it works, but the old playback windows stays the same size it was before instead of shrinking down to a controller.

Last edited by Discerptor; 2008-08-19 at 23:12.
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