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Old 2014-03-11, 04:24   Link #105
I’m sorry, Kamijou-san!!
Join Date: May 2013
Location: California
Every time we have a super bloody episode we seem to have that golden water appear from somewhere.

I wouldn't be surprised from the ending if Mako actually was someone special with a special power against life fibers. That would be pretty cool.

Regardless, that was a nice episode, and Ryuko redeemed herself. Nui and Ragyo are just sick, well mostly Ragyo. I'm guessing Nui just became messed up because of Ragyo...

That was a very cool scene with the elite four. Even though their plan didn't work, they did discover that if they took it off carelessly, she would die. That was an extremely important revelation in advance, so that was a really important thing they managed to do. Also, that was great because only they could have made that combo work, and so it actually was done very well. I wasn't expecting that even though I maybe should have. That was very nice to see.

I don't know why, but every time I see those "flashback" or "hypothetical" scenes of Ryuko in her wedding dress, it looks so epic, and she looks much prettier.

Those scenes are extremely well done.

This series has been doing a really good job lately. I can't wait to see how this wraps up soon.

I'd say one of the other best parts of this episode was what Satsuki said to Nui about the scissors and that they didn't fully trust Ryuko. That was interesting.

I just hope that after this performance a lot of mangakas/LN people approach trigger for future work.
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