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Old 2008-10-01, 21:19   Link #9
Join Date: Jul 2008
Location: S. California
Mmm, the area that I live has a load of people that watch anime. The area is has like a high percentage of asian (not trying to be racist or anything) which enjoy watching Anime, Video Games, etc. But, a lot of them, that I've noticed, only watch a lot of the popular crap shows, sadly. A lot of people watched Studio Ghibli's films such as Princess Mononoke and Spirited Away and enjoyed them, but continue to despise Anime in General.

I personally am not a person that will say no if somebody tells me if I watch any anime. But I never get that since most people (even very close friends) think that since I'm white, I probably do not watch Anime at all. But having people not know that I watch anime can be a good thing since according to a lot of them, all animes (except popular shows, or shows that are dubbed) = hentai.

For the issue of figurines/ cosplay/ dvds/ anime stuff, I do not have any since, first I do not have a lot of money, second, it can be a pain to get those.
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