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Old 2013-03-19, 08:24   Link #12913
Tenchi Hou Take
Senior Member
Join Date: Oct 2010
Originally Posted by Sol Falling View Post
Let me explain something simply for you. "Objectivity" is based on evidence. It is not based on arrogance. Your refusal to engage in actual evidence in the form of quotations from the source material is the only reason I've ignored your arguments. Your inability to provide evidence in support of your arguments is why your opinion is fully worth dismissing.
No you don't at least not in the argument with that guy, hence hypocritical. This is factually proven through reading your posts in said argument. Count the number of direct (I mean word for word) quotation marks and chapter number references. And yet you’re moaning about the other dude. I don't know if you've actually done any high level essay righting (say university level), but your complaints in regard to him aren't valid in comparison to your own reference. The vast majority of your arguments aren't evidenced by quotations, or proper referencing. You have a few near the start which has little bearing on the argument about the interpreation of those phrases and the rest is self-interpretation.

So seriously don't throw stones in glass houses. You didn't use further referencing as evidence to prove your argument, you simply made an interpretation of some initial quotes at the beginning without evidencing your interpretation of said quotes with more evidence.

It's like quoting "fire is warm", and making an arguement about how fire represents hell without furthering referencing that would imply fire represents hell.

Last edited by Tenchi Hou Take; 2013-03-19 at 08:40.
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