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Old 2013-03-23, 22:16   Link #489
Join Date: Oct 2009
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Originally Posted by Dr. Casey View Post
I found this moment kind of eyeroll-worthy, actually. I know that some children are much more mature than what one would expect from most kids, but... he's three. A toddler with the presence of mind, discipline, sense of duty and honor, etc not to cry over his mother's death? That's not completely outside the realm of possibility, but it's stretching it... in a different story I would find Chrono's backstory to be as poignant as it was intended, but in the context of the Nanoha series it's just another extra reason for the characters to feel a bit plastic and artificial to me. Apparently in the Nanohaverse, a person's age means absolutely nothing when it comes to one's maturity, skill, or placement in the corporate ladder; rare is the elementary school child that doesn't instantly adapt to the supposed horrors of battle, and even three year olds are fuckin' hardcore and infinitely wise beyond their years.
That's exactly it. I took it to mean he had suppressed his tears and emotions, that he had gone into a sort of shock that he never really got over. I thought it would have made a nice character arc for him, to encounter the thing that took his father and force him to confront his emotions. Him lying to his mother seemed to fit perfectly with that; he thought she might stop him, and/or he wanted it all to himself.

Honestly speaking, I would have preferred Chrono helping Nanoha beat Reinforce, rather than Fate. Or at least attacking Reinforce(and/or the knights earlier) in anger, and perhaps getting beat, before Nanoha gets through to him. There were plenty of ways to go.

At least the series didn't really delve into it, so we didn't expect Chrono to go nuts. We didn't delve into how he felt as a kid, but he did showcase some small amount of malice toward it.

Movie wasted a great opportunity, IMO.
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