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Old 2009-03-28, 21:54   Link #10
Join Date: Dec 2006
It finally ends...

But I can't remember all that much about the first season... Though I have a decent opinion of it, as much as I remember. Somewhat lacking, but it focused on the characters and set up for AS... But a few characters got the short end of the stick, pretty much getting no time for their own arc... >_>

AS was pretty awesome for the most part, even better than the first season by a lot... Until the end. Until the end, it was just a chain of tearjerkers... Especially Tomoya's dad's scene as he came home.
Not only that, but from start to finish, the animation was just beautiful. The BGM/music was also just wonderful!

But that's when the cons come in.
-First, the OP. In a bad meaning, it was amusing to see the exact same OP even though most of the characters in it turned into air and Nagisa's name was still Furukawa. Hahaha, silly KyoAni!
-Then the ED. There is no limit to how much hate and laughter you can feel for this thing when it pops up after a sad scene. I mean, read the mood and use a sadder song, please!
-Then the ending episodes... Nagisa's was still fine. Ok, she dies. I'm sad. Then we get a few great episodes including the one with dad. Then the last episode and it goes Pon! They have Ushio die the same way! (Here, I can see why Key is hated by some... Then again, I avoid their games myself...) I'm just rolling my eyes. Not only that, it wasn't even some "there is nothing he can do!" type of scene, but Tomoya brings a sick child outside and decides to walk with her to somewhere. Brilliant. Ha. And then we undo everything because the balls of light allows the story to go into a world where Nagisa survives and everyone is happy or something. One of the several spirit convention ends this season, and considering the quality of this anime compared to those others that use this revival plot, was probably the most damaging. Bleh...
Almost made me feel the movie did better on the whole Ushio thing...
-Also can't exactly say the fact they stuffed an epilogue of most characters just like that...
-And of course, the worst crime that they dared to show me a non-loli Mei! MeiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!!!!

Well, it was fun for the most part. There were some bad parts, but for all of the crying it allowed me to do and the laughing and some other stuff, 9/10!

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