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Old 2011-04-19, 13:16   Link #673
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Originally Posted by Duo Maxwell View Post
That 3vs3 map.

I really hate his passive if you ask me. The poison is strong, and the debuff is annoying.
Yea I don't get why people call it TF when it's TT (Twisted Treeline). Is there another abbreviation I'm not aware of?
Next items after that are situational, like Banshee's, Zhonya Ring, Void Staff. I prefer more pure AP/Magic Pen items for high-damage casters like Brand and Kassadin, since it's their job to obliterate their enemies, which is why I don't think Rylai's is that great of an item on Brand
Well, most chaser mages could really use a Rylai's (Fiddles, Swain, etc), but Kass has riftwalk, so it would be a waste on him. Brand is more of a burst caster, so Rylai's slow is lost on him. His survivability is very low, playing him well requires lots of surprise tactics and zoning awareness, but if you got these you can get by w/o anything more than the core build till the big fights break out.

EDIT: People reeeally hate playing tanks in ranked games...someone on our side took Garen after a bit though, and I was the last one to pick, with an AP choice versus Urgot mid (the rest were Malphite, Lux, Cho'gath and Akali, we had Garen, Kayle, Olaf, AD Teemo and me). I had Galio (AP burst massacres) and Swain (an enemy has been Swain!?). Who would be the best counter in your opinion? Got runes for both.

Last edited by Kafriel; 2011-04-19 at 15:07.
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