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Old 2009-09-05, 22:35   Link #1026
Join Date: Jul 2008
Location: U.S.A.
Age: 35
Originally Posted by fainessae View Post
Completely randomly off the topic of cherry tomato-wielding Shirley, but I was thinking about her character type, and it struck me that she's very much a shoujo heroine. And I had to laugh, because how funny is that that a shoujo heroine would be stuck in a shounen show. (And it makes me a bit sad, because what a waste... XD)

But Shirley's all about "overcoming unhappiness" and "facing tomorrow" and "healing wounds", and had she lived her character goal would have been to "reunite" what was "broken" which is ridiculously shoujo-heroine-esque. She'd have tried to restore Lelouch and Suzaku's friendship and built a bridge back to Nunnally and who knows what else would have been up her sleeve after that.

But in a shounen anime where the "villain" is the protagonist, a shoujo heroine of course can't survive. Because what does a shoujo heroine do? She rescues the villain. And you can't have that when you're writing a tragedy.

okay, /random
As morbos said, an interesting take on the situation and, I'd say, quite accurate. Shirley is very shojo-heroine-ish in nature, though I can't say too much because I haven't really read that many shojo comics. But it does suit her very well. After all, she's a good-natured girl in love with a morally questionable boy and tries to bring out the best in him. Also, she's a high school student and most shojo comics are high school romances.

The problem is though that Shirley was only a shojo heroine and most shojo's are pretty down to earth and don't delve into the larger world (not the high school romance ones anyway) So since she was a high school girl that got caught up in the grandness and ugliness of the larger world she was pretty much doomed, no matter how strong her will to help people was. But bless her heart did that girl try.

Also, I wouldn't really call Code Geass a "Shonen" series. Seinen maybe, but I don't think Code Geass falls under any one specific genre.
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