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Old 2006-10-06, 13:37   Link #261
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Join Date: Dec 2004
i didnt mean to say that they lived in a completely normal enviroment... (hard to ignore the warfare, terrorism, abductions and so forth) but for the most part the only reason we see strife or warfare in the place is because Chidori is a "whsipered". Sousuke would never have been assigned to her for protection in the first place, and subsequent events (the plane, the ...well everything) would never have happened.

What im trying to get at is that, even if amaglam (forgot sp?) does get destroyed like we all know it will... chidori's life and sousuke's (well souske's was never "normal") are going to be hard. There will be pieces to pick up for souske (theyre going to have to rebuild mitrhil from the ground up?) and chidori is a whispered. She'll probably have to be monitored for the rest of her life by governments, mithril, or god forbid some other wacked out personalities (mad scientists, terrorist groups). After all whispered play a huge role in countries or groups that want power in the cold war world.

and to the stuff about governments having no power and countries being helpless in the face of amaglam, what i want to point out is that Mitrhil when it was still around, was exactly what kept countries from being randomly wiped out by terrorists. And so far it worked, because people hardly knew about it, be it terrorists (average) or common folks. Amaglam is a distinction, but thats because theyre probably one of the few powers that could rival mithril. Eventually though if amaglam is defeated and destroyed completely, then two of the largest powers that kept the balance of power between coutnries would cease to exist. And so while mithril is being rebuilt other powers would come into play...governments? other terroists? etc.
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