Thread: Licensed Katanagatari
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Old 2010-12-11, 11:28   Link #2235
Kana Hanazawa ♥
Join Date: Jun 2007
Location: France
Age: 37
Long dying speech was looong. It just went on and on and on and on and on... it even reached a point where I started wishing Togame would just shut up and die already, especially since what she was saying was pretty convoluted and horrible. I want to believe what she told him was a lie, but I know it most likely wasn't. In the end, Togame's death left me indifferent. The cheerio thing was funny, though.

The fights were pretty cool. Shichika is seriously scary when he's serious. It was hilarious to see yet another Maniwa show up; fodders till the end, those guys. Shichika's motivation didn't make any sense, if he really wanted to die, then he could have simply, you know, not fought back instead of slaughtering everyone. The "only you can kill me" thing is always so stupid.

The ending was a bit unexpected. Seeing Hiteihime actually all cute (and very cute she was) all of a sudden was weird. I'm fine with her ending up with Shichika though. Poor dude desperately needs some love.
Rize and Kaneki
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