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Old 2004-01-26, 04:30   Link #7
The Man, The Legend......
Join Date: Nov 2003
Location: Redmond, WA
Age: 46
I have to side with NoSanninWa on this one for several reasons. One, I'm sure more than 99% of the people on Animesuki have never seen a fandub before, and I'm sure many will want to see one out of curiousity, and it will allow them to form an opinion based on experiance, rather than speculation.

Also this is a series that only one other group is working on, and that other group from what I understand does partially parody subs. Even if you don't agree with some of their translations, I'm sure many would agree that an honest mistake is better than a bad joke. This would give people another choice.

As far as why would anyone do fan dub? Why not? There other people that would rather hear and understand what the characters are saying, rather than read it off the bottom of the page. Personally I'll take crappy subs over crappy dubs any day, but I would also take very well done dubs over well done subs. Besides, maybe if the fan dubbing comunity takes off, some good talent will be discovered and find jobs in the professional industry (I know I'm being really optimistic on that one, but you never know) and thus eventually help do away with crappy pro-dubs someday.

Also Nosaniwa i was banned by you for breaking the rules last week. Perhaps you should think on this?
Let me guess. You broke the "No Whining" rule?

Originally Posted by gummybear
ps. hey FinFangFoom, can you change that pic of yours in the sig because when ever I read threads that have your message post in it would make people around me think I am watching gay porn, make it smaller or something
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