Thread: Licensed Rosario+Vampire Manga
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Old 2010-04-30, 03:38   Link #13838
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Originally Posted by Magin View Post
Actually, it has been stated that Kokoa and Moka are of different mothers, back when we first met Kokoa (I think... my memory going that far isn't great)

but there's one thing I'm starting to wonder about- with the predicted fights that Tsukune will have to face, and trying to have the youkai and humans peacefully co-exist... while he does has the fact that he started out human and now has the vampire blood, do you think someone'll play the card of "you're more youkai than human now, so why not go against the humans, who will probably reject you anyways"?
Well, based on what we know about Tsukune's character , I don't think he would be bothered by that and reject that sort of invitation.


Well, you're theory sounds interesting that's for sure, but we still don't have enough information regarding Moka's ancestry tree to be sure of that. I mean it could also be possible that Akasha was single and she herself came from a unique bloodline of vampires, which made Issa interested in her.

I agree that there might be something with Moka having a different surname and you're theory might be one way of explaining that, but there are a lot of other possibilities ... well maybe when we finally learn what actually happened between Moka and Akuha we will have more hints, that will make us finally guess why Moka has a different surname then the rest of her siblings.

Since we already are discussing the matter of Moka's family, how do you think that we will see a battle royal within the Shuzen family - I mean Moka and Tsukune vs Khaula, Issa and Akuha. I know it sounds a bit unrealistic but lately I have been thinking about such a fight occuring in the future and that during the fight the sister ( Moka, Khaula and Akuha ) are going to be defeated ( meaning they will fall unconscious and won't be able to continue participating in the battle), which would leave only Tsukune and Mopka's father on the battlefield. Well the outcome of that kind of fight would be that neither Tsukune or Issa would be able to win, ending the match with a draw, and with both ... Tsukune and Issa passing out at the same time, since they both used too much youkai energy.

I seriously doubt that something like that is going to happen in the manga, since both Tsukune's and Moka's fighting capabilities would have to undergo some major power up, so they could survive through that kind of fight, but the idea was far too amusing for me to not mention about it here ... and well who knows maybe something like that is going to happen in the manga.
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