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Old 2011-08-02, 18:17   Link #65
Guess what time it is?
Join Date: Feb 2011
Location: Nova Scotia, Canada
Age: 38
It's a strange choice to give such a sizable cast such an all-or-nothing character spotlight. Everyone gets an episode or two of laser-focused attention, and then it's over, with some characters even being relegated to whatever-happened-to status.

I think it's telling that Ohana's arcs are the best received. Even with her being the lead, I don't think I'm entirely crazy in suggesting that a lot of that has to do with the fact that you can follow her from week to week. It's difficult to all but introduce a previously ignored character, and give them a satisfying character arc in under 20 minutes.

Now, all that aside, I enjoyed this episode. It doesn't hurt that Nako is adorable, but I think it helps that we've already gotten to know her. There was a lot of inner monologue, but it almost wasn't needed, because we have a vague sense of what's on her mind already. It's those characters who get a recurring focus who end up the most interesting in this show, because you can sort of grok where they're coming from, but you don't know so much that it stops being fun to speculate. I'm thinking mostly of Ohana, Nako, Sui, Minko and maybe Satsuki.
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