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Old 2011-09-26, 17:39   Link #1178
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Join Date: Jul 2004
Location: In Maya world, where all is 3D and everything crashes
Age: 36
Surely Dominion gives the game a fresh start, nothing more funny than a giant cat Nidalee sneaking up behind you.
What I did notice were the following; still many glitches;
- you grab the middle buff then your character is stuck in the channeling pose
- I've noticed many times when trying to attack people under a turrent that my character would somehow start channeling even though I didn't click it to do so
- Also noticed that in some cases and attacks you suddenly walk in a different direction, as if feared which is not possible. I had this in the last 2 rounds against a Kat who threw the switchblade at me and suddenly instead of running away I was running towards her or northwards. This was quite annoying.

I tried multiple champions but also found that some champions are good for Dominion and some just aren't because they lack in early game and so need quite a while to charge up. I had that with Jax and Miss Fortune they just couldn't move along with the rest of the champions, Jax became evened and in many cases even OP mid/end game when you have the attack speed increasing when using skills from rageblade and lichbane but with MF I was never able to lay a hand on anyone and hardly had chances to use my ult.
On the other hand other champions were perfect for the game, almost like an auto win. Garen was a good champion to work with, he is OP at this moment I must add that. Also Ashe was very good in the games, the ult was team worthy, the damage specially critical damage you gain in the end is quite crazy. In a couple days I am trying again then with the mages I have.
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