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Old 2012-07-24, 21:47   Link #39
Love Yourself
Join Date: Mar 2003
Location: Northeast USA
Age: 38
Originally Posted by Azuma Denton View Post
Hmm, at the start of the year i have a pain in the lower stomach.
When i check with doctors, it said that it is muscle cramp, but didnt explain what have caused it.

Quite freak me out as i assume it might be an appendictis or worse, a kidney pain...
So for anyone medical experience, what may cause a muscle pain in lower stomach??
If it were appendicitis, there would be no question about it. That is a very intense pain, not the type that you can ignore or live with.

I once heard a statistic that 80% of pains that people present to physicians with are muscular in origin. There are various theories and potential reasons why muscle pain could seemingly come out of nowhere. If you're not moving much, there's the chance that a muscle might not receive enough blood circulation and oxygen. If you're staying in one position for long periods of time (such as sitting, as GenjiChan mentioned) muscles may become fatigued, not so different from "repetitive stress injury." Lastly, remember that all muscles work in paired groups. If muscles in your back as spasming or are unusually tight, it means that they're exerting more force (or "wear and tear") on muscles along your abdomen, which is where you may feel pain.

The best way to avoid pain from any of those causes is to be physically active. Do some gentle stretches in the morning and/or night. Your job requires you to sit for long hours, but you can still take breaks. Every hour or so, take a break to get up and walk around for a few minutes.
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