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Old 2010-12-07, 16:20   Link #2054
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Join Date: May 2004
The one thing the movie had over the series which made more sense...Is that Nanoha binded Fate before firing Divine Buster, so she couldn't dodge it. In the anime, she could of dodged it but chose to tank it instead. Then again, she probably wasn't expecting Nanoha to still have so much strength left after being hit with her strongest attack.
That's what I felt was disjointed about the movie sequence.

Every time we're shown a set of binds, they are unraveled fairly quickly. The point is that they buy just enough time to charge up and land a barrage class attack (which don't take too long to charge but just enough that they're quite easily evaded or even interrupted otherwise)

The TV anime sequence had Nanoha interrupt Fate's attack mid-sequence when Fate was tired from the initial barrage and was building up for the final SPARK with Divine Buster. This gave a reason why Fate didn't have enough time to do anything but guard since she had barely finished her attack. It also provides a reason why Nanoha didn't have too much damage besides the electrical sparking since Fate never finished the attack.

Finally surprise Bind=>SLB.

But movie Fate makes no further attempt to break her binds after eating the Divine Buster. There's no real defense against something of SLB's magnitude but she still tries to block it with an elaborate multi-shield affair. Even if she might not have made it in time, a 10% chance (breaking binds... it should be more likely than that but I'm making a point) is still better than 0% (trying to block Starlight Breaker).

Nanoha has demonstrated breaking a bind while under attack. There's no reason Fate couldn't have done the same except for Enforced Plot Hijinks.
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