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Old 2012-11-02, 08:00   Link #3553
Avatar of Dreams
Join Date: Nov 2010
When it comes to names, readings tend to be a little...flexible.

I believe that particular character's name is written 「小鳥遊」(well, according to wikipedia and the official website), though Takanashi can be written both ways. You are correct on its nuance though.

And I'll explain the meanings of the names JINNSK posted:
九(いちじく)=一字で九 = Literally "nine" with one character
四月朔日, also 四月一日(わたぬき)=綿を抜く=The written name literally means April 1st while the reading means 'to take the cotton out' (of your clothes). This is a reference to the old days where people would take out the cotton that was padding their clothes because the weather gets warmer in Spring.
八月朔日, also 八月一日(ほづみ)=穂を摘む = August 1st/ 'Pluck the ear of plants' (of wheat and such) because August is harvest season.
月美里, also 月見里(やまなし)=山がない=Name means 'the town where the moon is beautiful/visible' while the reading means 'no mountain' (so nothing blocks the moon).

Personally I would never name a child these names, but to each his own.
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