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Old 2008-02-21, 18:09   Link #3
Blackbeard D. Kuma
Senior Member
Join Date: Dec 2007
Originally Posted by james3wk View Post
So, here is my first question: Does Dr. Vegapunk have a rank and what does he do? Doctors, in the real world, are generally given an officer rank for their duties and experience. So, I am guessing that Dr. Vegapunk has to have a rank of at least Lieutanant (or is Ensign the first officer rank, I do not know?) if not higher. He will additionally have 'power' much the same as Spandam from the CP9 (i.e. he will be in charge of stronger characters than himself).

Also, Who else thinks that Vice-Admiral Tsuru is going to play an important role some time in the future? I don't know why, but really like this old woman. Probably becuase she is named the "Great Tactician", and nothing's hotter than a smart woman, even if she is older than dirt .

So let us start with thess simple questions.
In response to your first question, I guess we are just going to have to wait and see Dr. Vegapunk's formal introduction. Dr. Vegapunk may very well have a title that is given exclusively to him only. Perhaps his title may be scientist or research analyst. I suspect that he would be given a rank that is very high considering how valuable he is to the world government. I do agree with you that he probably does have body guards protecting him, for a person of his stature should definitely be protected at all times. He is most certainly a valuable asset to the marines force.

As for Vice-Admiral Tsuru, I absolutely agree with you that she is going to play an important role in the future. She is arguably the smartest character in the marine force considering that she is the "Great Tactician" and that she directly relays her information to Sengoku the Buddha himself. She probably gives Sengoku a lot of strategies for subduing pirates that have become severe nuisances to the World Government. Seeing her in action is going to be sweet.
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