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Old 2008-02-29, 21:59   Link #271
Join Date: Dec 2007
Originally Posted by SoldierOfDarkness View Post
And a hypocrite is someone who pretends to have principles but behaves otherwise... not sure if Suzaku really falls into that because he seriously wants to kill himself and prevent other people from doing what he did. Forgot which Drama it was that Suzaku wanted to speak out to Lelouch about it.
Well, if that's the definition of hypocrite, then Suzaku is the perfect example.
He claimed that he joined the army because he doesn’t want to see people die, but really he's just looking for a place to die.
He claimed that he want to change Britannia from the inside, but really all he wants is to die.
He seriously wants to kill himself. Yes. Does he admit it? No.
He's always covering it up with pretty lies. We know he want to die because Mao dug out this fact. He never admitted it. Never. Not even after Mao dug it out.

Pretends to have principles but behaves otherwise?
That's what Suzaku has always been doing throughout the first season!

You seem to think it's a noble thing to seek death, but forgetting he's doing it while claiming he's doing things for greater good. From the moment we know he want to die, every merit he has done is meaningless, and every ideal he claimed to have is lie. People saving? Change Britannia from the inside? Nah. These sorts of ideals are only lies to cover his true intention- to get killed.

Suzaku is trying to justify himself. Said by the director Taniguchi.

The part that he wanted to speak out to Lelouch was picture drama 9.
Better watch it again, because you're selectively remembering (and twisting) things to make him look good. The whole picture drama is to show us how sick Suzaku is, how he live in the past and couldn't move on, and how he keeps forcing his opinion on others.

He tried to tell Lelouch? Yes. Did Lelouch stop him? No.
Why didn't he say it? Because he's afraid to do so.
And now he's bickering and whining about how things might have changed if he did tell Lelouch.

Who's fault is it, for not saying these words he think are so important?
Who's paying the price?
Lelouch of course! Who else? It's all so natural!

"Might"s and "if"s. All thinking and nothing practical. He's living in the past and pays no attention to present. Living in regrets and kept dreaming what might happen if he could change the past. And someone else has to pay the price for not living up to his dreamt up world.

Prevent other people from doing what he did? Oh what a pretty excuse. Just because "killing dad" happened to be part of Lelouch's plan, it doesn't mean it'll be totally meaningless and at the end Lelouch will sit there and whine for 7 years like him. He stabbed his dad in a quarrel, thinking it will stop the war but results in Japan conquered. Does Lelouch's plan only include walking into Wakamoto's room and stab him?

Who has the right to foretell Lelouch will fail?
Who has the right to foretell Lelouch will regret it like he did?

Who has the right to judge what is right and what is wrong?

Suzaku of course! Who else? It's all so natural!
Of course Suzaku has every right to judge others! He became omnipotent because he killed his dad!

I killed my dad and regretted it. Therefore anyone, no matter what he do, as long as it involve dad-killing, he will regret it. Therefore I'm stopping you, Lelouch, for your own good. It's even better to leave you dead than to let you do this.
This is Suzaku's reasoning.

We've reached the conclusion- this is wrong. I must correct you. For Nunnally, and for Euphie.
This is the exact line he said in the picture drama.
Out straight insane. Let's see how many twitched thoughts are in this line:
1. What conclusion? Conclusion for what? St. Suzaku say it's conclusion then it's conclusion?
2. Who's to judge what it wrong?
3. Who has the right to "correct" other people? Is Lelouch his son or a pet of his?
4. What does he know about Nunnally's and Euphie's thoughts? Nothing. Nothing at all.
5. For Nunnally and Euphie? Did they ask him to "correct" Lelouch? It's purely revenge. Just say so. Stop wrapping selfish intentions with pretty lies like "for their sake".

And before anyone takes Lelouch's "For Nunnally" into argument, I'll explain it first. The sentence is unfinished when he says "for Nunnally":
I'm doing this for Nunnally, therefore I'll move on, no matter what.
I'm doing this for Nunnally, therefore, if Nunnally isn't here, everything I done is meaningless.
He never said it's "right" to do anything because it's for Nunnally. He's only stating the fact that even though he know he will be hated, he will take the blame and move on because he has Nunnally as a support in his heart.
--It's for Nunnally. Therefore I have the strength to move on.
Suzaku's is:
I'm doing this for Nunnally and Euphie, therefore you're wrong and I'll correct you.
--It's for Nunnally. It's for her own good.
See the difference?

And he's out to do it. Forcing his crooked thoughts on others, as always. Using pretty excuses- for the sake of others, as always.

It's like he stumbled on a stone and fell, then sit there and whined for 7 years. (His time stopped. He refused to move on since 7 years ago. This is the fact stated in the picture drama.)
Now he automatically assumes everyone who walk on similar road will also stumble, fall, and whine like him.
(The most important thing is, which road is similar is also decided by him. Whether it's similar or not doen't matter. It's the same because he says so.)
So he will "correct" anyone who tries to walk on it by kicking him off.
It doesn't matter if that person will stumble. Because Suzaku believes he will stumble, then he must stumble, and Suzaku must stop him before he stumble.
And it's for that person's own good. For the good of people around him.

I don't know if there's a word for this kind of person.

Last edited by Koshimizu; 2008-02-29 at 22:41.
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