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Old 2012-07-18, 15:09   Link #2408
Senior Guest
Join Date: Jan 2009
Location: Athens (GMT+2)
Age: 35
Yeah but Twitch is among the slowest champions and lacks a dash or a superior range skill (like Graves, Jayce, or Caitlyn) so unless he's on red, it will be impossible to run or chase if his cask misses. Also, some carries get Triforce, which serves the same purpose, and mallet does add 20 damage which is often completely forgotten in front of its overwhelming HP boost. A phage would be very beneficial mid-game at about the cost of zeal and an end-game mallet would just increase his chances of surviving AP nukes.

He recommended Last Whisper.
I didn't phrase that properly, I'd rather take a black cleaver over the LW for 66 flat ArPen+10% from masteries, facing caster and support armor values of <10, or leaving about 80~125 armor on tanks/tough dps (with normal armor at about 200).

As for a standard carry build, that's a pretty old build to use. Mallet has good synergy with both MoM and Atma's, two items that add dmg and defense of either type and while they're more popular on junglers and tough DPS champs, they beat any last-slot survival item you could pick. Also, the chain of IE crit->PD AS-> BT lifesteal is too easy to break with all the disables that are introduced in the game, I don't think it's something you can actually rely on anymore.
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