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Old 2007-06-19, 22:50   Link #1003
CP9 Apprentice
Join Date: May 2007
Ruffy is on his way to become one of the strongest pirates. However that doesnt mean that he is the strongest right now. We have seen the ice guy beating him easily and he also survived agains Crocodile by pure luck twice.
Luffy may have a chance now against Aokiji, with heat power of second gear..just a theory thou, still steam's coming out of his body and his skin burning with pinky color, fair enough for me to melt the ice...

Thats not entierly true. We know for sure that every DF has some weakness (crocodile against liquid, Enel against rubber, etc) Ruffy is the natural enemy of Enels DF so its not surprising that he could hit him.
Cant deny that many logia has disadvantages against an opposing element, still darkness is not an element.BB's power works more like a space/gravity devil fruit which makes some insane devil fruit out of limits.He chose to be "vulnerable to outer damage+Nullify devil fruits" instead of becoming a god-like monster with a "logia type vortex body".Scarring a yonkou without getting harmed (and without devil fruit) what makes him scary enough...He probably can take insane damage with his body, so looks like special attacks like Luffy's jet gattling-jet storm-gigante storm not gonna work..He may even need aid of shanks in the end...
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