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Old 2012-01-01, 03:47   Link #666
Inspired Musician
Join Date: Oct 2011
Location: Afterlife
That's true. Although Yui is like a new char like Otonashi and Naoi, but I think other than Otonashi, everyone else can appear too. Like how Naoi joined student council president and witness Tenshi being pushed around by SSS, and for Yui, make her do something else other than pasting posters along corridors. :/

I'm hoping for a Track Zero 2 to come true. there's still so many other SSS members that we're all curious about how they came to afterlife and how they joined SSS (like how the heck did Yuri convince Matsushita and TK!?)

And sadly, only Hinata's death was explained in Track Zero. I STILL WANT TO KNOW ABOUT SHIINA'S DEATH!!

Ah and Happy New Year too!!
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