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Old 2012-08-24, 15:58   Link #11
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Join Date: Apr 2006
Location: USA
Yes! Finally, next week we will actually see the maid.

Ok, back to this episode. It was very frustrating, like this whole arc is. I do not understand why the anime production team has decided to dedicate this whole arc to the whole cour, but it better not damage bluray sales, which in turn will reduce the chances of future seasons.

Anyway, Chiyu is acting like... well, bad Chiyu. She has done bad things in the past, but right now, there is no sypathy for her. Only her friends, Haru and Taku, have so much faith in her, it almost seems unrealistic... almost. Her reasoning is shoved right in our faces with the fact that Haru keeps on repeating that it is not the reason. So, to be continued.

Haru has improved leaps and bounds this episode. It is like he suddenly remembered who he was.

Nomi is being... well, Nomi. Very one dimensional still, and always annoying. Nothing new with him

KYH makes an appearance, and she knows something is wrong. It is just that Haru will not tell her, so she is leaving it up to him to take care of it.

Rumors are spreading and Nomi seems to be the cause. Easy enough. Just point at Nomi. Done. All accusations will then lead to him. End of story. I do wish it was that simple, but *sigh*, this doesn't look like it will end any time soon.

On the bright side, Niko makes her return next week! Banzai! Banzai! Banzai!
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