Thread: Licensed Saki manga
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Old 2012-11-17, 03:09   Link #2329
Critical fanboy
Join Date: Oct 2011
Location: Anywhere with anime and anime discussion is fine
There are a lot of things I can use to describe Shizu: strong determinination, don't know when to give up, etc; but spell disaster isn't one of those (that's Teru). Also note that Koromo didn't say that Shizu is a strong player as in skillful at mahjong. What is that supposed to mean? How can someone spell disaster without being insanely strong? I wonder whether there are some alternative way to translate what Koromo said?

Here's a thoery: I believe that Shizu never once face a monster player in the official match before. Perhaps her power is something that only works against monsters. Something along the line of anti-monster barrier similar to Touma's imagine breaker. Not exactly the same as sealing off monster powers like Sae's, but the ability to repell/negate the effect of those powers when use against her. It's also likely that she can't use this ability right away, but start developing her immunity after being hit by those powers a few times just like when someone caught a chicken pox.
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