Thread: Licensed Akame ga kill [Manga]
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Old 2012-05-27, 08:05   Link #181
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Originally Posted by runset View Post
This is very interesting. Never i read manga that pair between protagonist and the antagonist. Well there is so many "dead flag" in this manga. For personal opinion, I want the author to make the tatsumi and esdese couple (pls don't kill esdese). This type of story is what makes this manga interesting, we don't know what will happen next and i too cannot predict the storyline. If the author decide to make tatsumi and esdese couple, we will be presented with an original story that any other mangas doesn't have. Interesting isn't it.
is not really a pairing. Tatsumi really don't like her is just her that like him

Originally Posted by Kleeyook View Post
I think that Tatsumi and Akame are gonna be couple. Just take a look at the series' name and you'll find that no matter what, Akame will be the main girl and the winner. That's why I dislike any series with harem theme and one of the heroine's name is the title like Hidan no Aria, Suzuka, Tayutama, ZnT (everyone knows who Zero refers to) etc.

Still, it's been ages already that we last saw Tatsumi interacts with Akame. He did the same to most of his comrades. Hell, I think Leona even got more screen time than Akame.
I get the same feeling ,that if they both survive will end like this(them being a couple). Plus I find their interactions really good .Like the one in ch 10.Though ,the author can always kill one of them or both.
Originally Posted by NeutralZero View Post
Unless they (Revolution army) use the same tactics Gai of GC used...
Use Tatsumi (Inori) seduce Esdes (Shuu) and join in their ranks
They may not like her but the potential battle strength added by the empire's strongest can't be overlook...
If by case she is to die, she should die a befitting second last boss or mid boss death... with a bang!
Not with Tatsumi but against Akame or the very least the boss of nightraid (boss x boss fight)
But Inori always like Shu in a way or another. So was more easy for her do the job. Plus Shu don't was so bright ....while Tatsumi don't like Esdese and she is *S* + pretty smart. So i can't see her fall for something like this other that i can see them try to bring her to their side.
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